My next release, By The Skies is getting so close to being done <3 The first half has been sent to my editor. The last beta reader turned in all their feedback Monday night, and I have a fun surprise. MAPS! By The Skies will be my first story to boast a map.
The wonderful Aud has started working on the groundwork for the map. Last night we discussed locations, names, and all that jazz trying to decide how to set it up. I cannot wait to see what she does <3 For more updates, click on Aud's name above and check out her insta. I'm not sure how often she'll update, but you can bet I'll be looking forward to seeing them. Projected release date is the end of October-early November I'll have a better idea on an exact date closer to it. Until then, stay tuned <3 I should have some fun snippets to share once I get my edits back.